When women start My Life My Dreams they feel stuck in their lives, they know they want more from their lives but aren’t sure what to do next, they often feel isolated, and life has typically delivered some challenges – mental health issues, physical health issues or family and domestic violence to name a few. Self esteem and self confidence are low.

Women make the commitment to start the program and over the course of 15 weeks – wonderful things start to happen! Friendships are formed, women start to feel better about themselves and by the end of the program women report an increased satisfaction with life, their relationships with family and friends have improved – and most importantly they feel confident in themselves and have hopes and dreams for the future. Women learn all sorts of skills to help them navigate life’s challenges.

One of the greatest challenges in recent times has been the COVID-19 pandemic. At the four month follow up of the 2021 participants, all of them said, that although life had been tough, what they had learned during My Life My Dreams had helped them get through.

If this program sounds like it could be for you, we are taking referrals for February 2022. Call 4862 1122 and ask for Nicole.